How to find yourself in God

Every person who has lived is on a quest to finding themselves. We all thrive to know who we are, what our purpose is. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Finding yourself in God is the essential thing in a Christian’s life. God knows all about you. There is no better way to know about yourself than to have a relationship with God who knows you since inception. For you to achieve your whole purpose on earth, you have to find yourself in God. Here are some of the ways of finding yourself in God.
Accept God
Many people worldwide cannot find themselves in God as they haven’t accepted God as their savior. Ignoring God makes your life feel empty. The longer the distance between you and God, the more you feel empty and lost.
God can only answer the question of identity, if you confess, believe and accept God as your savior through Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:10 says,” For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us a new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, his blood can cleanse us, but we must be able to confess and believe first to be saved. Only through God can we find ourselves. You cannot find yourselves in Him if you are not in Him.
Give God a chance in your life and let Him show you how different you are from other people. Shutting God out will only lead to confusion and frustrations in your life.
Read the scriptures
The word of God will help you to find yourself in Him, if you read it and indulge yourself in it. The word of God is a living and objective voice to man.
2nd Timothy says, “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
The scriptures will help you understand that you are unique, and have a special gift, given to you by God. The word of God is active and alive, and when we read it we become not only active and productive in God’s Kingdom but also in our daily life.
Talking to God will help us to identify our purpose in Him. He will direct us in the right direction. He will show us our talents and gifts and how to use them to glorify Him.
Having the knowledge that we are unique will help us follow our own path and not others. Spending time in God’s presence will help us to identify our purpose and His will over our lives.
James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
If you are stuck in life and don’t know what to do, what choice you have, and which way you should take; you should ask God for wisdom.
Focus on God
Keeping our gaze on God will enable us to identify ourselves in Him. In today’s generation, it is not easy to focus on God since there is so much to deal with in life. You may seek your own ways and forget about God.
When we focus on our problems, we can never know our purpose in this life. The plans that God has for us are great that we cannot be able to understand them.
Ephesians 3:20 says that God can do much more than we can imagine or think of.
Obey God’s commandments.
If you want to find yourself in God, then you must obey God’s word and commandments. God commands people to follow his ways.
In Isaiah 1:19, God says that if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things that the land produces.
Some people may ask what the advantage of finding yourself in God. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you find yourself in God.
- He will guide your steps.
- You will fulfill your God-given assignment.
- You will use your gifts and talent in a way that glorifies God.
- You will live according to God’s plan and purpose in your life.
Finding God first will lead us to our purpose and ourselves in Him. Remember that when you do not put your talents and gifts into use, God will take them away, just like in the parable of Talents in the book of Matthew. God expects us to be productive in this life. We can never fulfill our assignment on earth without the help of God. Life cannot be empty when we have Him; this is because He makes us whole. We can never be lost or go the wrong way with Him.
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