Following God’s Plans For Your Life Above All

But He knows the way that I take [and He pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I will come forth as [refined] gold [pure and luminous].
Job 23:10 AMP
God pays attention to every detail of your life and He has a plan for you which has been in existence ever before you were born. The plan of God for you precedes you, it was waiting for you to arrive planet earth all along, so you can walk into it.
Truth be told, God has always been and will always be driven by His purpose and plans.
Would you come along with me in this article as we look at running with God’s plans for your life.
Table of Contents
- God, a God of plans and purposes
- How God executed His plans in the Bible
- God’s ways are not our ways
- Arm yourself with trust for God as He leads you through His Plan
God is a God of plans and purposes
Every manufacturer has a plan for his product and this plan determines how the product is made, what the product is made of, the quantity and quality of the product, the end users of the product, and a host of other things. God, The Greatest Manufacturer of all times, has a plan for everyone. He declared this boldly and clearly in Jeremiah 29:11, that He has a plan for you.
God is not clueless!
He is not without a plan!!
If there is anything I have discovered about God, it is that He doesn't just do things, He always has a plan. Undoubtedly, it is common knowledge that God is a God of purpose, One who always has a plan for anything he wants to do.
Examples of God’s Plans From The Pages of Scriptures
The first thing that comes to mind while looking at the fail – proof, ever - succeeding plan of God, is the story of creation. The Earth was without form and void and darkness engulfed everywhere, the whole earth was a gory sight to behold yet, in the midst of all the mess and ugliness, God’s plan was expressed through His words when He spoke the entire creation into existence.
Man lost out when he lost his dominion and original place as was designed by God because he allowed himself to be lured into sin by the devil. By the fall of man, the devil believed he had succeeded in thwarting God’s plan for humanity and had won the battle for the souls of mankind. He gained control, took the place of Man and Adam was sent out of the garden of Eden and the fate of humanity seemed as though it was sealed forever, but wait a minute, God had a plan, a game-changing plan that will restore dominion back to man as was originally intended and that was to happen by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The devil never saw it coming, he knew Jesus is the son of God and thought by killing him, he would have succeeded in aborting God’s plan yet again, but what he never knew was that by orchestrating Jesus’ crucifixion, he was playing a central role in The fulfillment of God's plan.
Woohooooo!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!
God’s ways are not our ways.
His mindset is different from the mindset of the natural man. His thoughts are so different from our thoughts and so are His ways. The scripture amplifies this truth in Isaiah 55:8. The way God desires you go through to fulfill His plans for your life many times may be so gory, unpalatable and undesirable.
Look at this,
- He had a Glorious plan for Our Lord Jesus Christ but He had to take Him through a most agonizing death to fulfill His plans for His life.
- For Joseph, God had to pass him through a crucible of sufferings for the plan of greatness that God has for him to unfold.
- In the case of the Israelites possessing the promised land, God had to deliberately take them through the wilderness for forty years before they got to the promised land, they went through various experiences before the plan of God to settle them in the promised land came to pass.
There is a truth I want you to come to terms with today and it is that God has a plan for you.
Yes! You reading this right now. The world's population could be so large, standing at 7.2billion, but in spite of how many we are, spread across the continents of the world, God knows you by name. HE treats you uniquely as if you are the only one on earth. The Bible further proved this when it said; the hairs on your head are numbered and not one strand falls off without God knowing.
Listen up! Can I tell you a secret? As far as your life is concerned, nothing takes God by surprise. Your life is simply a script written by God, He knows what is next, God has a plan for you and it’s a good plan.
Every Manufacturer has the best of plans for their product. No Manufacturer desires that their products end up as waste. Our Manufacturer knows the end already, you see, He is the Beginning and the End, He knows the end from the beginning, He has the best plan for your life.
Sometimes it may look like the entire world will crumble down on you and as if you are all alone, but God has it all worked out, you are just going through some of the fragments of His divine plan for your life, He is working tirelessly behind the scene to ensure that His plan fully unfolds in your life.
When God was making you, He had His plan for you in mind and so, all your intrinsic and physical features are there to help you achieve this plan. He wired you with His plan in mind. You are not a product of any circumstantial occurrence. You were not born just because your parents wanted you. You were deliberately created by God because He has plans of peace and wellbeing that will give you a good future.
It will interest you to know that it is because of the plan He has for you that He manufactured you the way He did. The plan He has for you precedes your making. Where you were born, your peculiar background, your nativity and all your other personal values that you do not have control over, is the way it is because of His plan for you.
Trust God through His plans for you
In all the examples stated above, you would agree with me that humanly speaking, one would think that since the plan was God’s plan, it should have been without any difficulties, but that was not the case because the fulfillment of the plans of God may not follow the easiest, smooth and stress free route as we think.
This is why, if there’s anything you need in your journey of following God’s plans for your life, it is trust for God. If you don’t trust God, following His plan for your life will be absolutely impossible. Do you believe God’s plan is the best plan for your life? If yes, then all you need do is trust Him absolutely and follow Him all the way.
He knows the way to the end of His plan for you, and guess what? He knows the best pathway that will take you to His predestined end for you. God is too faithful and skillful that you can give Him the total control of your life to unfold all that He has planned for you, by putting your trust in Him and following Him as He fulfills His plans in your life.
Dear friends, when all is well and when the chips are down, you need to trust God enough to obey and follow His plan even when it doesn’t make sense to you.
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